Migros Culture Percentage in figures
CHF 121 million
are annually invested in the arts, society, education, leisure and commerce.
CHF 5.4 billion
is the total amount the Migros Culture Percentage has injected back into society since 1957.
was the year in which Gottlieb Duttweiler launched this commitment that is unique worldwide.
Continuity in our unique commitment
The idea behind the Migros Culture Percentage goes back to Migros founder Gottlieb Duttweiler.
As part of his legacy, the Federation of Migros Cooperatives and the individual Migros cooperatives commit to make an annual contribution to the Migros Culture Percentage. The amount is calculated based on revenue and still levied even in times of declining retail trade.
This possibly unique commitment guarantees the continuity of the Migros Culture Percentage and is enshrined in the Articles of Association. It enjoys equal status with commercial success as one of Migros’ corporate objective.
The Migros Culture Percentage also provides funding for highly promising third-party projects.
Access for all
The Migros Culture Percentage helps the population at large to access cultural and social offerings: Read the latest articles to find out about the sheer diversity of what is on offer.
Photo/stage: © Burton Nitta. Image: Algaculture.